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Magic: the Gathering

"You never play the same game"

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4. The most expensive cards

Card production policy

Magic: the Gathering is produced by Wizards of the Coasts since 1993.
There has been printed around 6,000,000,000 cards in more than dozen languages by the end of 2000.

A new set ("expansion") is issued three times a year. Three sets compose one cycle. Main set (which is released first) gives the name to the new cycle.

So-called Classic Edition is released ones in a three year period. It consists of well known cards, appeared previously in the expansion sets and proved their efficiency.
Cards from Classic Editions are white-bordered. By aesthetic reasons majority of players prefer black-bordered cards from expansion sets.

Usually, main set and Classic Edition consists of 350 cards, second and third sets - 143 cards.

Full information on the expansion symbols.
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Card Sets:

Last Releases | To be released | Production policy

1st set: Odyssey;
2nd set: Vendetta
3rd set: Judgement


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Card Sets

Card Sets to be Released Soon

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Card Sets Released Lately

Judgement 350 June, 2002 3rd set of Odissey cycle
Vendetta 350 February, 2002 2nd set of Odissey cycle
Odyssey 350 October 2, 2001 1st set of a new cycle
Apocalypse 143 June 4, 2001 3rd from the Invasion cycle
7th Classic 350 April 2, 2001 every-three-year Classic Edition
Planeshift 143 February 5, 2001 2nd from the Invasion cycle
Invasion 350 October 2, 2000 1st set of a new cycle
Prophecy 143 June 5, 2000 3rd from the Mercadian Masques cycle
Nemesis 143 February 14, 2000 2nd from the Mercadian Masques cycle
Mercadian Masques 350 October 4, 1999 1st set of a new cycle

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Wizards of the Coast
Produsing company.
Российский дилер Wizards of the Coast.
Русскоязычный каталог всех карт.
7th Edition Catalogue
Crystal Keep
Systematic information on all Magic card sets.
Русская лента новостей Magic the Gathering.
Unias Internet Shop
Expensive cards are cheaper here.
Hastur Internet Shop
Cheap cards are cheaper here.

top of the page | Card Sets moderator: Anton Miroshnichenko

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